Hi and Welcome,

I am a Visual Artist living in the North East of Victoria, Australia.

I completed my Diploma in the Visual Arts in 2012, covering Business Practice, Art History, Drawing, Sculpture, Jewellery Making, and I majored in Painting and Printmaking. In 2013, I began my Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts).

In creating art, I maintain awareness that each brush stroke, layer of paint, layer of a print, molding of a sculpture, each step contains awareness and intent from the highest will and good, for beauty to be brought before each viewer.  We are surrounded by boundless beauty, which I wish to share.

My work is often influenced by my photography which I often take in the form of the macro viewpoint. I am drawn to look closer at things and try not to miss beauty right in front of me.

My work is a devotion to humanity, its potential, its connection to all in the Universe and the Earth, to each other.  I create with Love and my intent is that it will be passed on.

I am new to the blogging world, however, I hope that I will be able to create and inspire through my art and words. Constantly I find myself inspired by life, other people’s stories and journeys in life, words & thoughts that cause reflection. I will be posting the gems I find under my Links pages.

I will update as regularly as I can so please come back and visit me anytime.

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